Lecy x
Well, good morning little bloggers!
How have you all been? 'Cause I've been fantastic! Beside from the fact that I have way too much school work. Yesterday was a big day for me, I had two assignments due that I hadn't done, but somehow finished them, then it was my nieces birthday so we went and had dinner with her, but then, this crazy, ridiculous, I can't even believe it, thing happened.. I BOUGHT A CAR! That's right everyone, I, Elysia Claire Hannah Young, HAVE A CAR. It's so exciting! But I feel so old..
Now I just need to get my restricted licence.
I don't have a photo of my car right now, but when I can be bothered to take one I'll show you all. Because it's cool. You'll love it.
Now I'll tell you about my niece. Yesterday she turned nine, which is crazy! She's so old! Which is making me feel old.. I was only eight when she was born so it's weird to think she's now older than I was when she was born. But life goes on. And I'm old. But Brianna is cool, she's so clever and talented. Although she takes after me a bit too much, trust me Brianna, stubbornness will get you no where in life, it'll just make things harder.
Anyway, that's enough rambling, so I shall leave you with a photo of Brianna and cake.
Have a splendid day little munchkins!
Lecy xx